Sunday, March 16, 2014

What's Inside ?

Customer Questions and Concerns 
This post will share with you concerns and questions I've received from customers about our products. I hope this post may answer some of your questions as a customer and help other reps in answering their customers questions.

Inside the Candle ?!
I've had customers puzzled as to how could a piece of jewelry be found in their candle. The thought of their ring, earrings, or necklace floating around inside their candle and then stuck somewhere in the soy wax was what their first thought tended to be.

Stuck on You
Thankfully, JIC places each piece of their jewelry in a protective baggie which is then wrapped in color coded foil (depending in size and type of jewelry) that is then attached to the side of the candle votive. No need to worry about your jewelry floating around and ending up on the bottom of your candle or coated in wax.

How's it Done?
Customers have wondered what they need to do once their products are in their hands. Do I light my JIC candle just like my other candles ? Will my jewelry be ruined by the hot wax or flame ? When will I see my piece of jewelry?

Steps to Success 
Once you have your JIC candle in hand, the first thing I'm sure you will do is pop the top off and get a big whiff of the decadent scent of your candle. Then, you'll want to find a safe place for your candle where it won't be knocked over and pulled down by small hands. I tend to choose my stove top when using flame to melt my candle.
Then, simply light your candle and begin enjoying the scent that fills your home. The flame will begin to melt the wax and over time your foil wrapped jewelry will start to be seen from the top (and sometimes even the side ) of your candle. Once the foil wrapper can be seen and is surrounded by melted wax, your ready to do your jewelry reveal. 

Standard JIC Loving Supplies
The typical supplies you will need to reveal your jewelry include: paper towels, slotted spoon or fork works well, scissors and a camera.
You will need the fork to pick up the foil wrapper and allow the wax to drip back into the candle. You will then lay your foil covered jewelry on your paper towel and begin wiping off the oily soy wax (which is great for your skin ). And then you will remove the foil to find a tiny baggy closed with your jewelry inside. Now you'll need the scissors. The baggy tends to also have some wax on it making it very difficult to open. Simply use your scissors to cut the bag open and see what you got. Having a camera on hand is a great idea. And since your hands will be slippery with that liquid gold, you may even want a camera assistant. Sharing your experience online via Facebook, YouTube, Twitter etc is fun for customers and reps alike. There are Facebook groups dedicated to jewelry swaps and sharing reveals. These are great places to find other JIC enthusiasts.

Warmer Lovers
Now, some folks would rather melt their scents. And in this case, you'll choose to use a candle warmer to melt versus light your candle. This is the option I choose in spaces my children go. For example, I enjoy using a candle warmer in my room. A Clean Cotton, candle is warming in my room at the moment. I don't have to worry about the fire from the flame. The candle and wax does get warm but not scolding. And the only real concern is my girls knocking it over and my carpet having blue wax on it (totally cleanable, but that's another blog).
Our tarts are also a fantastic option if guy don't want to use flames in your home. Our jumbo wax tart cubes can be melted in a warmer. Your tart pack will have 6 tarts, and your jewelry will be in one of those tarts. Typically it is obvious as to which tart your jewelry is waiting in.
Another great option for rooms near pets or children will be our Aroma Beads that will arrive soon so stay tuned !

More Questions ?

If you have a question unanswered here, please comment below and I'll be sure to find you an answer.

Would love to hear your ideas or suggestions related to JIC products and reveals. Be sure to comment below!

Amanda Silverio
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